Rapid Success in Solo PR Depends on This One Thing

Rapid Success in Solo PR Depends on This One Thing

Success isn’t one-size-fits-all; for some PR practitioners, it might mean tripling the number of clients they have, while for others it could be converting more one-off clients to long-term retainers. On a more self-reflective level, success for many practitioners starts with giving themselves permission to hit pause, put in the work to improve foundational skills, and then jump back into the game with more confidence and competence.

That's where a coach comes in.

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How Disobeying My PR Agency Bosses Landed Me a National News Story

How Disobeying My PR Agency Bosses Landed Me a National News Story

I took a massive gamble that could have backfired spectacularly but thankfully, it didn’t. Instead of getting me fired, breaking the rules yielded funky dividends for me in the form of a national print story placement and subsequent boost in my “personal stock” at my job (all within just a few months of my arrival).

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You’re here! Welcome.

You’re here! Welcome.

Welcome to The PR Glow Up! I have been mulling over the launch of this blog for what feels like a lifetime – reviewing years of “notes to self,” reflecting on lessons shared by my mentors and, most importantly, identifying the skills, capabilities and habits that I believe can fuel a great career in public relations.

It would be easy enough to let it all marinate forever – after all, learning is a lifelong pursuit – but there’s never going to be a definitive list of dos and don’ts. However, as I tell clients all the time, at a certain point you just have to declare “pencils down.” This thing isn’t going to write itself, is it?

Wait, though. What’s a glow up?

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